Blogs The Secret to a Healthy Home: Interior Design Tips You Need to Know


In this blog post, we'll cover the importance of a healthy home and how to achieve it. We'll also go over some of the most common interior design mistakes people make that can make their homes less healthy.
  • Why is it important?
  • Benefits of following these tips

Choose Natural Materials

You're probably familiar with the benefits of natural materials, but did you know they can make your home healthier? Natural materials are more likely to be free from harmful chemicals and toxins. This means that if you choose them for your home's interior design, you'll be reducing your risk of developing health problems like asthma or allergies.

Natural materials are also easy on the environment because they don't require as much energy to produce as man-made products do. In fact, some even offer an added bonus: They may help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by absorbing CO2 in their lifecycle (like bamboo).

When choosing which natural materials will work best for your space, consider how much light and heat each material absorbs or reflects--this will determine how warm or cool it feels inside your house throughout different seasons!

Invest in Air Quality

Air quality is a serious matter. If you're not breathing clean air, it can be detrimental to your health. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to improve the quality of your home's interior environment and make sure that everyone in your family is getting enough oxygen.
The first step toward improving indoor air quality is understanding what kinds of pollutants exist in a typical household and how they affect us on a daily basis. Common pollutants include:
  • Mold spores (from damp areas like bathrooms)
  • Dust mites (found in bedding)
  • Carpet fibers (from vacuumed carpets)

Incorporate Houseplants

Houseplants are a great way to bring color and life into your home. They can help purify the air, reduce stress, and even improve your mood!

However, it's important to choose houseplants that are right for you. If you're not sure where to start, here are some tips for selecting and caring for houseplants:
  • Choose plants with similar light requirements. Some plants need more light than others (for example, cacti require less). If you want all of your plants in one room or area of the house, then make sure they have similar lighting needs so they'll all thrive together.
  • Pick a variety of textures and shapes when choosing indoor greenery--this will add visual interest without overwhelming any particular space or room in which they're placed. For example, tall palm trees next to shorter succulents will create an interesting contrast without taking up too much visual real estate within any given space; also consider pairing potted herbs with larger-leaved vines such as philodendrons or creeping figs because both types tend towards being leafy rather than flowery which means they won't compete visually when paired together!

Choose Non-Toxic Paint

Non-toxic paint is a great way to protect your family and home. Not only does it keep toxins out of the air, but it also prevents harmful chemicals from seeping into your walls and furniture.

If you're looking for a non-toxic paint that won't break the bank, look no further than Sherwin Williams' Zero VOC line of paints. They offer an impressive array of colors that can be used on almost any surface in your home--and they're available at most major retailers nationwide!

Choose Low-VOC Furnishings

Low-VOC furniture is a great way to reduce your home's indoor air pollution. These items are made from materials that don't off-gas harmful chemicals, so they're better for you and your family.

Low-VOC furnishings can also help you save money on energy bills, because they tend to be more efficient than conventional items. For example, low-VOC paint has been shown to improve insulation in homes by as much as 30 percent!

Install Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances are a great way to save money and reduce your impact on the environment. They use less energy, which means they're more efficient at heating and cooling your home. Many models also have features that allow you to monitor how much power they use, so you can adjust settings accordingly if necessary.
If you're thinking about buying new appliances for your kitchen or laundry room, look for ones with an Energy Star label--this indicates that they meet certain standards set by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). The EPA also provides information on its website about how much money consumers can expect to save by purchasing ENERGY STAR-certified products over those without this designation; depending on what type of appliance it is and how often it's used, savings could range anywhere from $50 per year up into five figures annually!
When installing new appliances in an existing home where there isn't sufficient wiring capacity available yet still want something modern looking but not too bulky? Try installing under-cabinet lighting instead! It won't take up any counter space at all but still provides plenty of illumination when needed most during meal times etc.

Choose Sustainable Flooring

Sustainable flooring is a great way to improve the health of your home and reduce your carbon footprint. It's also an investment that will pay off in the long run.
Here are some tips for choosing sustainable flooring:
  • Look for products made from recycled materials, like linoleum or cork tiles. These materials can be easily recycled when they're no longer useful in their current form--and they'll last much longer than traditional wood floors or carpets!

Incorporate Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is essential to creating a healthy home. It's important to maximize natural light in each room of your house, but it can be tricky to know where to start. Here are some tips for incorporating natural lighting into your interior design:
  • Make sure each room has windows or skylights that let in plenty of sunlight. If you don't have enough windows, consider installing skylights instead!
  • Use lighter colors on the walls and ceiling so you can see them better when there's no sunlight coming in through the windows (this will also make rooms look bigger).
  • Install dimmers on all lamps so they're easier on your eyes when reading at night--and less likely to disturb others if they're sleeping nearby!


So, what have we learned?
  • It's not just about the furniture. The way you arrange and decorate your home can have a big impact on your health and well-being.
  • Start by creating an inviting space for yourself and your family to relax in, then add some plants! They'll help cleanse the air while also giving off positive vibes that will make everyone feel happier.
  • Finally, don't forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle outside of the house too! You can do this by eating nutritious food every day (and maybe even exercising).


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